Thursday, July 18, 2013

don't tell me to follow no schedule

i gotta tell you.  i freakin suck at sticking to a schedule.  i am a rebel in the very heart and soul of my being.  i jaywalk, and i don't whisper in libraries.  i am forever urging lee to "just do it".  (not talking about shoplifting here.  geez. more like crossing the street when the light says not to cross.)  anyway, about that schedule i made for myself early in the summer.

i knew i was setting myself up.  i can always put of til tomorrow what doesn't have to be done til, say, october.  there are a lot of tomorrows til october, amirite?  so, i haven't been following my dyeing schedule at all.  i did it for about half a week, but then i just went right back to playing.  don't tell me to follow no schedule.  the only part about schedules i like is making the schedule. 

the one time lee lied to me, afaik, was to keep me from being late to the airport.  see?

anyway, since i haven't been sticking to my dyeing schedule, i have serendipitously come up with a cool way of dyeing pastels that i like.  here goes:

so, i have been running around the country a ton this summer.  (not teal deer.)  on one of those trips, it rained a river in madison.  of course, i hadn't had time before i left to clean up all my dye stuff or even to take the yarn that i had put off dyeing off the dye table.  i work outside in the summer.  (yeah, i wear sunscreen, monique. yes teal deer.)  so it rained.  and rained.  and all my dye flooded out of their little buckets and ran onto the yarn.  when i got home there was this gorgeous mint chocolate skein on the table.  the emerald and teal flooded and mixed to a jade-y color and the brown had flooded.  so there was the first "hit" on the skein of serious saturated color.  then it ran and faded into nothing.  it was so cool.
watercolor!  rain dyeing!  mother nature!

anyway, i am trying to be the rain.  my reproduction isn't perfect yet, but it's fun to dye with the water hose!

this is the closest thing to a teal deer in the rain i could find that i could use.  (threadless design)  so, it's really a not-teal-deer walking in the clouds in the not-teal-sky.  but it's a cute t-design, so like it for what it is.

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