Thursday, January 10, 2013

first sweater since 2010

when i first started knitting, i made four sweaters.  i only used a pattern for two of them. the two that i don't love. 

one is too small though i think it's really cute.  probably my fault because i used cotton--patagonia nature held double-- which is not a terribly stretchy fiber.  plus, the sweater weighs about a ton.  it's a tiny little tee shirt sweater, weighing a ton, with too small arm holes and a bit of belly showing.  not such a great combo.  i guess i could use it to test stamina.  the other pattern sweater is stupid and boxy.  i wear it occasionally because a lot of work went into it, but i kinda hate it. also, one sleeve is longer than the other because i put it down for 6 months with half a sleeve to go. 

the other two--no pattern.  one is particularly funky.  i used two yarns held together, knit it top down raglan, half assed the sleeves (one is longer of course, and it's short sleeve so you can really tell), and didn't do much to the neckline.  i love it.  it's soft and funky and looks great on me.  who cares if it's funky--that's art. 

 the other, i used a gorgeous purple mirasol tupa--silk and merino.  i knit a tube.  i knit half a top.  i sewed them together.  i can wear it inside out or outside in for different looks.  it's adorable.  again, no real finish on neckline cause that's fancy stuff i don't really know how to do.  but it's so cute that people have asked me to give it to them off my back.  i seriously love it.  (sorry, no pic)

i could keep making sweaters without patterns.  i get it.  but i am going to try a pattern.  i really am.  either oatmeal or francis revisited.  both use bulky yarns which makes me happy cause i am lazy and bore easily.  i am even going to swatch which i have never done before.  i am going to try very hard to pay attention so that it's a symmetrical thing.  i am going to block.  i am going to do every thing right (yeah, right.) 

wish me luck!


  1. I vote for Francis Revisited.

    Don't forget to wash your swatch :)


  2. angela--you are sneaky sneaky. i miss you.
