Tuesday, May 7, 2013

a little tiny library

last week, i took a walk--the first walk of the spring on the almost first day that it was spring.  so that my walk would include a hill, i decided to go up the bike ramp over the beltline to the neighborhood over there.  on the bridge across the beltline is a big safety fence, and this particular big safety fence had no fewer than a dozen locks clicked onto it.  they were mostly rusty and in no pattern that i could see. makes you wonder what it means.  probably it means nothing--just that one day someone snapped a lock up there, and then another day someone else did, and then, and then, and then...along came jones...if anyone has a story about the locks on the safety fence over the beltline between seminole and midvale, i sure would like to hear it.

it was nice since i've never really walked across the bridge before--new greener grass and all.  lots of japanese magnolias.  but then i found something that give me happy shivers:  a tiny little cottage house on a post in someone's yard.  the little house was filled with books--mostly kid books, but a few classics, and a couple of mysteries.  books--right there--a little library--right there!  in a small area that backs up to what many people say is the worst neighborhood in madison.  (i can't bring myself to say that because i have many friends who live there, and i never feel unsafe there.)  i just had to find out what it was all about.

this is it:  http://www.littlefreelibrary.org .  superfantastic, right?  it looks like they are all over madison.  i love madison.  (but really, they are all over the world.) take a book. give a book.  wash, rinse, repeat.  by buying a little library, you not only get the joy of a tiny house full of books in your yard, but you are also helping to promote literacy and build more and more little free libraries in places all over the world where books aren't as easy to come by as they are in america.  if you don't want a library, but would still like to help...http://www.razoo.com/story/Little-Free-Library-New-York-City . but really, who doesn't want a house filled with books?

i found out that my friend ben farrow has one at his dentist's office--monroe family dentistry.  (sorry for shameless ad.  ben DID NOT ask me too--in fact, he doesn't even know i did.  but he is a great guy, so if you need a dentist....or a book)

there are several at the absolutely fabulous absolutely art (where you can buy local art  and occasionally hear my friend phoebe play her flute).  (http://www.absolutelyartllc.com/)

take a look:

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