Tuesday, September 24, 2013

a droopy post

so i wrote a post earlier today, and i just wandered back around to it.  it was the droopiest thing i have written on the blog--and on top of that, it wasn't funny or interesting.  it was just sad trombone boring.  it was a poor little me post.  so i deleted it. or something.

since writing on this blog (in this blog?) was on my to do list today, i am trying to redo it so i won't feel guilty tomorrow and have to add it to tomorrow's already mile long to do.  mile long to do lists are my thing.  maybe that's my problem.  I LOVE MAKING LISTS!!! i keep random lists of everything.  e.g. what my 5 female cats' names would be if they were male.  ftr, lulii would be frank; kk would be roy; rose would be bob; pi would be sam; and chica would be chico.  also lists of colors i would like to use on my walls should i ever repaint, and these lists are accompanied by paint chips (which i collect because in addition to my lists, i like to collect weird things).  lists of things i want to write about or read about or research or watch--normal lists, right?  except i rarely actually write about or read about or research or watch or listen to anything on my lists.  apparently, it is enough to have the lists.  i have notebooks full of lists.  i love a bullet point.

for my daily lists, i subdivide into what i call a "higgdy".  this stands for "how it's gonna go down, yo."  following the guidance of whoever wrote getting things done, i break things down into lists of 5.  so like 7 groups of 5 mini to do lists.  each sub-list starts with "read", so i really only have 4 action items on the list.  items are crossed off when they are done, and if i drank a full glass of water while i was working my way down the list, i get to put a check mark across the list.

i am super awesome in the early day (for me the day starts around 11 am, so i don't have a lot of early day to work with).  i plow through the first mini lists full of energy.  (each one takes about an hour.)  the problem is that when i hit that third mini, i have had to add things to the list that must get done, but that i really don't want to do.  the first couple will mainly be the basics--clean the kitchen, take a shower, go get diet cokes, write, sweep the bedroom, hang the laundry, etc...then i have to get to the nitty gritty.  so at this point, i slow down.  way down.  and i waste more time sitting outside staring at the tree or counting the number of zinnias i still have left.

so now, each list starts taking an extra half hour.  so i manage to get through 5 mini lists, and then it's six o'clock, and the final bell rings in my head.  the rest of the world quits work around 5 or 6, so i do too.  except that the rest of the world starts before 11...

crud monkeys.  i wonder if i can sell lists instead of yarn.

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